Egypt W

undefined flag

Egypt W

No fixtures available
Africa Women Cup of Nations Qualification

Tuesday, 5th December 2023

Africa Women Cup of Nations Qualification

Thursday, 30th November 2023

South Sudan W South Sudan W
0-4 undefined-undefined
Egypt W Egypt W
Africa Women Cup of Nations Qualification

Sunday, 24th September 2023

Egypt W Egypt W
4-0 undefined-undefined
South Sudan W South Sudan W
Africa Women Cup of Nations Qualification

Wednesday, 20th September 2023

Time of fixtures shown as UTC +3
  • Games played
  • Points Per Game
  • Games played
  • Games played
  • Avg. possession (%)
  • Avg. attacks
  • Avg. dangerous attacks
  • Avg. shots on target
  • Avg. shots off target
  • Avg. shots
  • Avg. shots for a goal
  • Avg. shots inside box
  • Avg. shots outside box
Stats based on domestic competition
    Stats based on domestic competition