
Somalia Somalia


Nation Link Telecom Championship 2023/2024

Monday, 1st July 2024

Time of fixtures shown as UTC +3
Badbaado Badbaado
0-0 undefined-undefined
Midnimo Midnimo

Friday, 2nd August 2024

Midnimo Midnimo
1-2 undefined-undefined
M. United M. United

Monday, 29th July 2024

Jeenyo Jeenyo
2-0 undefined-undefined
Midnimo Midnimo

Thursday, 25th July 2024

Midnimo Midnimo
1-1 undefined-undefined
Elman Elman

Monday, 22nd July 2024

Heegan Heegan
0-0 undefined-undefined
Midnimo Midnimo

Thursday, 11th July 2024

Midnimo Midnimo
0-0 undefined-undefined
Dekedaha Dekedaha

Friday, 5th July 2024

Banadir Banadir
1-0 undefined-undefined
Midnimo Midnimo

Tuesday, 25th June 2024

Horseed Horseed
4-1 undefined-undefined
Midnimo Midnimo

Tuesday, 18th June 2024

Midnimo Midnimo
5-1 undefined-undefined
Sahafi Sahafi

Sunday, 9th June 2024

Raadsan Raadsan
0-3 undefined-undefined
Midnimo Midnimo

Sunday, 2nd June 2024

Midnimo Midnimo
1-2 undefined-undefined
Badbaado Badbaado

Saturday, 18th May 2024

M. United M. United
4-1 undefined-undefined
Midnimo Midnimo

Saturday, 11th May 2024

Midnimo Midnimo
1-1 undefined-undefined
Jeenyo Jeenyo

Monday, 6th May 2024

Elman Elman
2-1 undefined-undefined
Midnimo Midnimo

Wednesday, 1st May 2024

Midnimo Midnimo
2-3 undefined-undefined
Heegan Heegan

Friday, 26th April 2024

Dekedaha Dekedaha
4-0 undefined-undefined
Midnimo Midnimo

Sunday, 21st April 2024

Gaadiidka Gaadiidka
4-1 undefined-undefined
Midnimo Midnimo

Sunday, 3rd March 2024

Midnimo Midnimo
1-1 undefined-undefined
Banadir Banadir

Saturday, 24th February 2024

Midnimo Midnimo
0-2 undefined-undefined
Horseed Horseed

Thursday, 15th February 2024

Sahafi Sahafi
1-2 undefined-undefined
Midnimo Midnimo

Thursday, 8th February 2024

Midnimo Midnimo
1-3 undefined-undefined
Raadsan Raadsan

Thursday, 1st February 2024

Time of fixtures shown as UTC +3
  • Games played
  • Points Per Game
  • Games played
  • Games played
  • Expected goals (xG)
  • Expected goals against (xGA)
  • Avg. possession (%)
  • Avg. attacks
  • Avg. dangerous attacks
  • Avg. shots on target
  • Avg. shots off target
  • Avg. shots
  • Avg. shots for a goal
  • Avg. shots inside box
  • Avg. shots outside box
Stats based on domestic competition
    Stats based on domestic competition