Billingham Synthonia

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Billingham Synthonia

Other competition

Tuesday, 10th September 2024

Time of fixtures shown as UTC +3
No fixtures available
  • Games played
  • Won
  • Draw
  • Lost
  • Points Per Game
  • Games played
  • Won HT
  • Draw HT
  • Lost HT
  • Games played
  • Won SH
  • Draw SH
  • Lost SH
  • Avg. game goals
  • Avg. goals scored
  • Expected goals (xG)
  • Avg. goals conceded
  • Expected goals against (xGA)
  • Clean sheet
  • Failed to score
  • Over 1.5 team
  • Over 1.5 team against
  • BTTS
  • BTTS & Over 2.5 game
  • Over 0.5 game
  • Over 1.5 game
  • Over 2.5 game
  • Over 3.5 game
  • Over 4.5 game
  • Goals 30"-HT
  • Goals 75"-FT
  • Avg. game goals FH
  • Avg. goals scored FH
  • Avg. goals conceded FH
  • Clean sheet FH
  • Failed to score FH
  • Over 0.5 game FH
  • Over 1.5 game FH
  • Avg. game goals SH
  • Avg. goals scored SH
  • Avg. goals conceded SH
  • Clean sheet SH
  • Failed to score SH
  • Over 0.5 game SH
  • Over 1.5 game SH
  • Avg. game corners
  • Over 7.5 game
  • Over 8.5 game
  • Over 9.5 game
  • Over 10.5 game
  • Avg. game corners FH
  • Over 2.5 game FH
  • Over 3.5 game FH
  • Over 4.5 game FH
  • Corners 0"-10"
  • Corners 35"-HT
  • Avg. game corners SH
  • Over 3.5 game SH
  • Over 4.5 game SH
  • Over 5.5 game SH
  • Corners 80"-FT
  • Avg. team corners for
  • Avg. team corners against
  • Over 3.5 team
  • Over 4.5 team
  • Over 5.5 team
  • Over 0.5 team FH
  • Over 1.5 team FH
  • Over 2.5 team FH
  • Over 3.5 team FH
  • Over 0.5 team SH
  • Over 1.5 team SH
  • Over 2.5 team SH
  • Over 3.5 team SH
  • Avg. game cards
  • Over 1.5 game
  • Over 2.5 game
  • Over 3.5 game
  • Over 4.5 game
  • Avg. game cards FH
  • Over 0.5 game FH
  • Over 1.5 game FH
  • Over 2.5 game FH
  • Avg. game cards SH
  • Over 0.5 game SH
  • Over 1.5 game SH
  • Over 2.5 game SH
  • Avg. team cards for
  • Avg. team cards against
  • Over 0.5 team
  • Over 1.5 team
  • Over 2.5 team
  • Over 0.5 team FH
  • Over 1.5 team FH
  • Over 0.5 team SH
  • Over 1.5 team SH
  • Avg. possession (%)
  • Avg. attacks
  • Avg. dangerous attacks
  • Avg. shots on target
  • Avg. shots off target
  • Avg. shots
  • Avg. shots for a goal
  • Avg. shots inside box
  • Avg. shots outside box
Stats based on domestic competition
    Stats based on domestic competition