Spain U19

Europe Europe

Spain U19

UEFA U19 Championship Qualification

UEFA U19 Championship Qualification

Wednesday, 13th November 2024

UEFA U19 Championship Qualification

Saturday, 16th November 2024

UEFA U19 Championship Qualification

Tuesday, 19th November 2024

Time of fixtures shown as UTC +3
Euro U19

Sunday, 28th July 2024

Euro U19

Thursday, 25th July 2024

Euro U19

Monday, 22nd July 2024

Euro U19

Friday, 19th July 2024

Euro U19

Tuesday, 16th July 2024

Friendly International U19

Thursday, 22nd February 2024

Friendly International U19

Tuesday, 20th February 2024

Friendly International U19

Wednesday, 17th January 2024

Time of fixtures shown as UTC +3
  • Games played
  • Points Per Game
  • Games played
  • Games played
  • Avg. possession (%)
  • Avg. attacks
  • Avg. dangerous attacks
  • Avg. shots on target
  • Avg. shots off target
  • Avg. shots
  • Avg. shots for a goal
  • Avg. shots inside box
  • Avg. shots outside box
Stats based on domestic competition